Pro-Tec LiquiCell Blister Bands

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  • Regular price $49.00
  • 2 available
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Advanced liquid technology protects against blisters, hot spots, abrasions and bunions. Effective protection in difficult-to-apply locations like arch, heal or any curvature of foot. 

The liquid in a LiquiCell® bandage circulates and moves in all directions so your
skin doesn’t. LiquiCell® is a blister created so you don’t have to go through the
pain of having your body make one.

Protect your skin from the start with LiquiCell® Blister Protectors.


Small (1.5" x 0.875" of sealed liquid and 2.25" x 1.125" of total coverage)

Large (1.75" x 1" of sealed liquid and 2.75" x 1.375" of total coverage)